Prof JP Warner, MGH, Harvard, Boston.
We believe in the mission of the following organisations and support it. Together we can change the world

VSAO Basel
The association of Swiss residents and consultants in Basel, Switzerland.
Has a mission to help all the healthcare actors to learn, improve and always thrive in a fast-paced environment through e-congresses, e-conferences and implementing the blockchain technology.

Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology

Codman Shoulder Society
The CSS and its annual meeting are used to foster development of former fellows' careers and simultaneously provide evidence-based work to support shoulder care
SWISSMEA provides a bespoke solutions in healthcare management, organization re-structuring, medical and non-medical staff recruitment, profiling and selection.
E aims
Is an international medical organization and its mission is Sharing International Medical Experience.

Because sharing knowledge improves wisdom

The mission of OrthoGate is to improve orthopedic care, education and research using Internet technologies.

European Medical Association
It's purpose is to study European medical resources from both scientific and socio-cultural aspects.

eCM Journal
eCM, as the first open access online scientific journal, founded in 1999, endorses MY-FELLOWSHIP and wishes a great success to this venture. eCM is published by AO Research Institute Davos, a Not-for-Profit foundation in Switzerland. eCM Journal provides an interdisciplinary forum for publication in the musculoskeletal field.

Shoulder 3T
SHOULDER 3T is a video platform dedicated to the education of orthopaedic surgeons to improve patient care Shoulder 3T is a free video platform